In this tutorial, we will show you how to retouch and enhance people’s faces using Photoshop.

Step 1
To get rid of any obvious blemishes, we will be using the Healing Tool. Select the Healing Brush Tool and then choose your desired brush size. Once you have done this, press the ALT key and click a clean spot of skin and then click the imperfection that you would like to fix. Repeat on all blemishes until you have removed them all.

Step 2
Using the Lasso Tool, select the teeth and feather your selection. Use the Brightness and Contrast tool to brighten the teeth, and the Selective Colour Tool to remove the yellow discolouration from the teeth.

Step 3
To even out uneven skin tone, select the Blur Tool and go over any areas that need to be evened out.

Step 4
If the skin colour is looking washed out, you can give it a boost using the Selective Colour Adjustment Tool. Click command-U to bring up the Hue/Saturation adjustment dialogue box and adjust the levels until you are happy with the colour.

Step 5
Sharpen key areas, this will help bring the person more to life. However, do not use too much or it will look grainy. This can be done by selecting the Sharpen Tool and changing the brush size.

Step 6
Select the Diffuse Filter (Filter>Stylize>Diffuse) to even out features and give a “softer” appearance. Run the filter and fade it to 40-50%.

Step 7
Finally, to brighten up the image, select Levels (Image>Adjustments>Levels).

Select the Dropper Tool on the right and click on a light part of the background. This will knock the background to white and give an all over brightness to your image.