Photo editing is an essential part of the production process. This phase enables the photographer to eliminate possible flaws in the photo and accentuate certain aspects of the image. Adding texture to landscape images will result in photos that are sharper and more authentic.
For this tutorial you will need 1) a base photo and 2) an additional image resembling film texture to create a filter. The objective of this tutorial is to blend two photos to add texture to your landscape photos.
Step 1
Frame the shot:
Begin by opening your landscape image in Photoshop. This will be used as the base image. Use the Crop Tool (C) to crop the part of the image that you wish to work with. Trim the photo to remove any unnecessary parts of the image.
Step 2
Select your digital resources:
Select your chosen film texture image. Then paste the texture image onto the base photo by clicking Edit > Paste (Control –V) to deposit the new layer on to the image.
Step 3
Applying texture to the base:
Alter the blending mode to Multiply and use the Free Transform function to integrate the texture on the landscape image. Select Edit > Free Transform (Control – T) to select this function. Use the Enter key to apply the texture.
Step 4
Blending the images:
Select the background base photo layer and select Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object.
Next, go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and implement a Radius of 2.
Step 5
Add discolouration:
Add a Photo Filter Adjustment Layer over the base image. Set the filter to Sepia and the Density to 55%. This will change the tone of the image to appear aged.
Then add a new layer by selecting Layer > New > Layer (Shift-Control-N) and name this layer Grain. Set the foreground colour to black and the background colour to faded yellow. Select Filter > Render > Clouds. set this layer to multiply with the opacity of 15%.